A zene örömforrás.
Élvezet játszani és hallgatni.
Lehet rá...
A punk nem csak egy zenei irányzat, hanem életérzés, ami viselkedésben, külsőségekben, kulturális, társadalmi, és politikai hovatartozásban egyaránt megnyilvánul.
A punk definiálása és megítélése –csak zenei vonatkozásában is- rendkívűl eltérő.
"If you looked different, people tried to intimidate you all the time. It was the same kind of crap you had to put up with as a hippie, when people started growing long hair. Only now it was the guys with the long hair yelling at you. You think they would have learned something. I had this extreme parrot red hair and I got hassled so much I carried a sign that said 'FUCK YOU ASSHOLE.' I got so tired of yelling it, I would just hold up the sign." [Bobby Startup, Philadelphia punk DJ, "Philadelphia Weekly," Oct. 10, 2001]
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper