

A hegedű (violin) négyhúros (g-d1-a1-e2), derékban karcsúsított vonós hangszer, "f" alakú hangrésekkel (hanglyuk), valamint lélekkel.
Az áll alá illesztve vonóval szólaltatható meg.

Szimfonikus, népi, cigány-, tánc- és jazz-zenekarokban is használják.
Hazánkban minden ágának vannak jeles képviselõi. (Radics Gábor hegedûs a magyar jazz egyik úttörõje volt.)

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Different string playing techniques:

Bartok pizzicato: a string is pulled with force so it slams down on the fingerboard
Con legno: strings are played with the wooden part of the bow
detache: steady backward and forward movement of the bow
le grand detache: with full extent of the bow
legato: several notes with one bow movement
pizzicato: strings are plucked by fingers
ricochet: the bow bounces on a string with one string movement
spiccato: the bow bounces. A fast "staccato", marked by a dot beneath a note.
Staccato: the bow does not part with string, and stops. Marked by dot.
Sul ponticello: bow plays close to the bridge
Sul tasto: strings are bowed above the fingerboard
Tremolo: fast backward-forward movement on one or more strings