
Fémes hangzású kemény rockzene.
Általános jellemzõi a hard rocknál, annak tulajdonságaival összehasonlítva olvashatók.
heavy metal

Description of Metal Genres►

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Közel 30 ága között van a [[heavy metal, brit metal, death metal, thrash metal, speed metal, doom metal, progresszív metál,]] [[funk metal,]] [[alternatív metál.]] ******** [[The unmistakeably aggressive sound of distorted electric guitar is the defining charactaristic of Metal. First made popular by artists such as Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin, modern Metal has grown increasingly popular. Modern metal groups such as Slayer, HIM, and Audioslave continue to energize the loyal fan base.]] [[Extreme Metal]] [[Industrial Metal]] [[Rap Metal]] [[Heavy Metal]] [[Pop Metal/Hair]]